About Project Celebration
Project Celebration is a parent & community-driven group that raises money to host a drug and alcohol-free, safe alternative after-prom lock-in for Aledo ISD senior students and their prom dates. Project Celebration also helps raise money for the senior breakfast, promenade festivities, and the senior gift to the school. Project Celebration is not the Prom Committee (which is student-driven).
About Project Celebration
Project Celebration is a parent and community-driven group that raises money to support activities during the senior year. These activities include:
Senior Sunrise Breakfast: Beginning-of-year breakfast for seniors held at Aledo High School.
Promenade festivities: Red carpet walk held at the high school showing off all of the beautiful and handsome seniors to the community before heading off to prom. Photo backdrops available for lots of photos.
After-Prom Party: An all-night lock-in for all seniors and their dates with many fun activities and lots of prizes to ensure a prom night that is both memorable and safe.
Senior Breakfast: End-of-year breakfast and slide show for seniors.
Senior gift to the school.
Project Celebration 2026 Board Members
Michelle Lansford - President
Christa Loos - Vice President
Nancy Freeman - Treasurer
Kathleen Roberts - Secretary
Amber Browne - Webmaster
Alice Whitten - Member
Contact us at aledopc2026@gmail.com.
Copyright Aledo High School Project Celebration 2026.